Home > RageGage Stress Smasher - Matrix
RageGage Stress Smasher - Matrix
Product Description

What's a RageGage?
RageGage is a dynamic, customizable smash pad. RageGage is designed to take the worst manner of physical abuse that you can dish out during a temper tantrum so that you can quickly rid yourself of pent up anger and get back to whatever pissed you off in the first place.
RageGage is the marriage of cutting edge psychological research and modern high tech electronic device design. The device is designed to detect whether you are adequately and healthfully releasing your pent up anger. And if you aren't, it will make sure you do!
If you hold back while smashing the soft gel pad of your RageGage (aka: you're being a wuss), your RageGage will antagonize you to induce healthy rage release.
But, if your RageGage detects unsafe rage levels, it will begin to issue calming instructions to bring your blood pressure back down.
Download custom voices for your RageGage, or make your own (maybe of that special someone you'd love to smash).
When you're not releasing rage, RageGage serves as a USB gaming interface. Play online and PC based games, or virtually smash your Facebook buddies with our Smasher application for Facebook.
What's your flavor of Rage?
If you're into the Matrix RageGage, you probably dream in code (with the occasional Java inspired nightmare). You see dead circuits. When you're source won't compile, or when you fry your last IC, don't smash your keyboard or throw your soldering iron out the window. Smash the RageGage.