This Sound Activated Module will allow CCFL (Cold Cathode Fluorescent Lamp) lights connected to it to be activated by sound. The lights will display various patterns according to the sound received, so the lights will dance along with the music! The kit also comes with easy to use knob and switches to adjust the sound sensitivity and light patterns.
The new Sound Sensitive CCFL kit includes an optional setting for sound swnsitvie mode and switching flash. This mode will allow the cathode to blink and react to sound waves in the area by and adjustable sensitivity knob which you can adjust it by thumb instead of a screwdriver.
Comparison between basic CCFL kit and Sound activated CCFL kit:Component | Wire Harness&Switch | Sound Activated Module | Dual inverter | Cold cathode Fluorescence lamp (CCFL)Size : 12",8",4" |
Description | Plug Molex connector with Power Supply and control power | settings: On / Off / Sound Sensitive / Switching Flash Adjust the sound sensitivity by knob. 2 output to connect 2 inverter, only 1 inverter is included in the kit |
DC 12 V inverter, you can plug 2 lamps into one inverter, only 1 lamp is included in the kit | Super bright Cold cathode Fluorescence lamp Mono color or multi-color |
CCFL Kit w/ Dual inverter | v | v | v | |
Sound Activated CCFL Kit | v | v | v |
Item | Component | Description |
A | Dual inverter w/ Plastic box | DC 12 V inverter, you can plug two lamps into this inverter, no matter mono color or Multi-color CCFL. |
B | Double-side tape | To attach inverter cover on the side or top of inner case. It is suggested to mount near fan to ventilate. |
C | Controlling unit | Four settings: On / Off / Sound Activated / Switching Flash Adjustable sensitivity knob : Adjust the sound or vibration sensitivity. |
D | Cold cathode Fluorescence lamp (CCFL),30cm | Super bright Cold cathode Fluorescence lamp Mono color or Multi-Color. |
E | Wire harness ( cable and connector) | Sufficient long cable for easy installation. |
F | Adhesive backed velcro tape (1.25cm*2cm&1.25cm*1.3cm.) | To attach cubic end of acrylic casing on any side you like. Smaller one adhere the cubic acrylic, bigger one adhere the computer case. |